

This was another home-brewed cover that just couldn't be sufficiently explained to an outside photographer, so with deadline looming, I enlisted my wife to go to the local craft store to find some doll-sized chairs and a table. For the background in the cover shot, I printed out a digital map of Asia on a large-format printer and laid it out on our (actual size) dining room table. We arranged the tiny store-bought accessories, but we hadn't been able to find miniature drinking glasses. I ended up cutting off short lengths of aquarium hose, which worked perfectly. A knocked-over chair and spilled (plastic) water completed the idea that someone had stormed away from summit negotiations, which was the theme of the article. I composed the shot, and except for a little bit of Photoshop work to extend and fade the map image into the distance. both photos were pretty much un-retouched (except for the usual color correction).

Contact me at pyxl8r@me.comRésumé available upon request. This site ©2017 by Ken Palmer. Images by other artists and photographers are shown for portfolio purposes only. Requests for removal of images owned by others will be honored immediately. Do not copy or otherwise infringe upon my -- or anyone else's --  work!