feature page

The article was about how cheap imitation Chinese electronics were invading Japan. Based on my rough sketches, illustrator Juan Alvarez immediately grasped the concept I envisioned. We both came up with a fun list of pretend knock-off names sprinkled throughout his illustrations, though I later found out that some of these names actually exist and appear on some of these products! I picked Juan to provide a young street vibe to the cover and interior layouts, because teenagers were the primary buyers of these imitation products, and they needed to appear perfectly happy enjoying  these less-expensive - but just good enough to still be considered hip - electronics. I've included some of the initial concept sketches and assignment notes as a glimpse into the process that led to the final art.

Contact me at pyxl8r@me.comRésumé available upon request. This site ©2017 by Ken Palmer. Images by other artists and photographers are shown for portfolio purposes only. Requests for removal of images owned by others will be honored immediately. Do not copy or otherwise infringe upon my -- or anyone else's --  work!