feature page


This was an interesting article about the "invasion" of America by large Asian banks. Two of these old and established banks each took a different approach as they tailored their tactics for penetrating the American market. The interior illustrations by Kevin Pope took a humorous approach to telling that story. For the cover, my editor wanted something a bit less subtle, so I took a cue from Godzilla and had artist Chet Phillips work up a scene of a giant corporate "T" (for Tokyo) robot invading America, and not-so-subtly disrupting the city We weren't sure if the businessmen silhouetted in the foreground were welcoming the invader or about to run in terror... we left that open to interpretation.

Contact me at pyxl8r@me.comRésumé available upon request. This site ©2017 by Ken Palmer. Images by other artists and photographers are shown for portfolio purposes only. Requests for removal of images owned by others will be honored immediately. Do not copy or otherwise infringe upon my -- or anyone else's --  work!