feature page

This cover story on the state-of-the-art of the smart phone industry needed an appropriately high-tech design to reflect the futuristic slate of the article. My source patterns were from a stock image CD by Simon Osborne/Digital Visions, and the cover was built up with several dozen layers in Photoshop. Unique to this cover -- and not readily apparent in the RGB image here, -- was that I had the printing plant substitute metallic inks for the cyan and magenta plates, which gave the cover a very bold and vibrant look. It was a little risky, as I couldn't see a proof that could accurately simulate these special inks, but I was very pleased with how the final printed piece came out!

Contact me at pyxl8r@me.comRésumé available upon request. This site ©2017 by Ken Palmer. Images by other artists and photographers are shown for portfolio purposes only. Requests for removal of images owned by others will be honored immediately. Do not copy or otherwise infringe upon my -- or anyone else's --  work!